AFL launches third phase of Fair Start Alberta campaign, including community BBQs on Fathers’ Day
Edmonton –This Sunday, on Mothers’ Day, Fair Start Alberta will officially launch the third phase of their campaign: Fair Start for Families. Alberta’s current Early Childhood Education and Care model is fragmented, inaccessible, and unaffordable. Alberta currently has some of the highest child care costs in the country.
“Across the world, inequality is growing and ordinary families are working harder and harder to keep up with escalating costs and falling supports. This is especially true given the high costs of child care here in Alberta.”, said Siobhan Vipond Secretary Treasurer of the Alberta Federation of Labour. “Early Childhood Education and Care reduces inequality, lifts families out of poverty and puts them on track for more opportunities later in life. It creates fairness for working families.”
The Fair Start campaign is calling on the government to make Alberta families a priority by expanding the $25-per-day Alberta Early Learning and Child Care (ELCC) Centres Pilot Program, phasing out public subsidies to for-profit child care providers, and for the government to create a concrete plan, with clear timelines, to build a universal system of Early Childhood Education and Care in Alberta.
“We have been pleased to see the Government of Alberta take bold action with a $25 per day child care program in spite of tough economic times, but demand continues to outstrip supply,” said Vipond. “Our campaign will continue to call for a plan to achieve a high-quality universal system that ensures access and fairness for all Alberta families.”
Quality Early Childhood Education and Care can stop the cycle of poverty and marginalization by giving families a fair chance both to give their kids the best start at an equal education and for women to fully participate in the workforce, creating a more inclusive and growing economy. Many studies have shown the biggest positive impact on lower income children’s cognitive development is achieved in centre-based care, which eliminates social inequalities and boosts the economy.
“Early childhood education and care is a life-long investment that pays off. When families can rely on quality child care, they do more for the economy. A recent International Monetary Fund report showed that that a universal child care program would mean 300,000 more women in the workforce, which would bring in an extra $8 billion in federal tax revenue”, said Vipond. “Alberta’s success depends on the success of our families. What is good for families is good for everyone.”
The Fair Start campaign will include community BBQs on Fathers’ Day in Calgary, Edmonton, Fort McMurray, Lethbridge and Red Deer to build public support for our campaign. More information about Fair Start Alberta and upcoming events is available at
Media Contact:
Chris Gallaway, Director of Government Relations
587-984-7569 or [email protected]