- Re-imagining Alberta's Energy Future: An Industrial Blueprint for Job Creation and Prosperity
- Executive Summary - Re-imagining Alberta's Energy Future: An Industrial Blueprint for Job Creation and Prosperity
- Green Jobs Potential in Diversifying Alberta's Economy
- Don't you Dare! Why working Albertans don't trust Jason Kenney with their retirement savings
- Time to Get Rolling: Growing the Screen Industry in Alberta
- Debunking UCP's Youth Minimum Wage: International experience shows youth wages kill jobs for older workers
- The Employment Impact of Election Promises: Analysis of budgetary scenarios of UCP and NDP platforms
- OHS Regulations Consultation Submission - April 2018
- Unstacking the Deck: Reforming Alberta's Anti-worker Labour Code
- A New Code for New Times: Meeting the Challenge of Precarious Work
- Unfair Advantage: Construction Industry Double Breasting
- Canadian Mainstream and Beyond: Reforming Alberta's Employment Standards Code
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