Years of neglect by previous governments have undermined WCB system
Edmonton – The recently-announced review of Alberta’s Workers’ Compensation Board is long overdue, says the Alberta Federation of Labour.
Today, the Government of Alberta announced a three-person panel would conduct a comprehensive review of the Workers’ Compensation Board. Workers-rights advocates, including the Alberta Federation of Labour, have been calling for this review for almost a decade.
“Alberta’s workers’ compensation system has languished under years of neglect. This review is long overdue and desperately needed,” Alberta Federation of Labour secretary treasurer Siobhan Vipond said. “The Workers’ Compensation Board was designed to get workers back to work healthy and whole. Because of outdated legislation it has too-often been unable to fulfill this role.”
The review launched today will cover all aspects of workers’ compensation and be led by three respected labour-relations experts who have experience with both the employer and employee sides of the law. The AFL looks forward to participating in a collaborative process with all parties and to seeing improvements in legislation and policy.
“We hope that this comprehensive review will help the government refocus WCB on supporting workers so that both employers and employees can benefit from the system as it was originally designed.” Vipond said.
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