The Alberta Federation of Labour says Employment and Immigration Minister Thomas Lukaszuk is going to leave his cabinet post to run for the provincial PC leadership. The AFL worries, by doing so, Lukaszuk will leave a lot work undone, such as bumping up minimum wage, improving workplace health and safety, and fixing the Temporary Foreign Worker program.
But Lukaszuk says the AFL should rein in its predictions about his political future.
"They have never been accurate on anything they have predicted up to now," says Lukaszuk. "You can guess that they may not be accurate on this one either. If I make that decision, I will let you know."
Lukaszuk also questions the timing of the AFL's prediction, given the crisis surrounding the Slave Lake fires. "We're simply swamped trying to help Albertans," he says, calling the union's comments "unbecoming and in poor taste."
The AFL argues that now is the perfect time to increase minimum wage, as a lot of students will soon be seeking summer jobs. Lukaszuk says the government's priority is helping displaced residents from the Slave Lake area.
iNews880, Sat May 21 2011
Byline: Reid Wilkins
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