Alberta workplace deaths up in 2010

The Alberta Federation of Labour says 2010 was a deadly year with 136 workplace-related deaths in the province, up from 110 deaths in 2009.

The AFL released the figures Thursday on the international day of mourning for those killed on the job.

"Every year, far too many Albertans are killed or injured," said Guy Smith, president of the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees at a ceremony in Edmonton.

Smith said the province needs to start doing random, frequent inspections of workplaces as well as prosecute and penalize those who contravene regulations.

"My incident was 100 per cent preventable," Beach said at a wreath-laying ceremony in Calgary.

"It only would have taken us to actually go and use the laws that were in place, that already exist under Occupational Health and Safety, and to embrace them."

Last month, Alberta Employment and Immigration Minister Thomas Lukaszuk announced the province would hire 30 new occupational health and safety officers over the next three years to improve the province's record on workplace accidents., Thurs Apr 28 2011

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