“Smoke and mirrors” cleanup of the TFW program allowing good jobs to disappear like magic
Edmonton – Good Canadian jobs continue to vanish into thin air as if by magic due to the Temporary Foreign Worker Program.
Alberta’s largest labour organization released evidence today showing TFW welders can be paid less than half the going rate. This is a clear example of employers abusing the system, despite the Harper government’s claims of cracking down on the TFW program.
A Kijiji ad, posted by a recruiter on June 27, 2014, suggests approvals were granted to employers to fill jobs as Welders and Related Machine Operators (NOC 7265) in Alberta and Saskatchewan at wages of $13 to $20 per hour. At the low end, this is less than half the going rate for Canadian welders.
The average starting wage for a welder in Alberta is $28.49; the average overall wage is $33.79.
“It’s starting to look like Jason Kenney’s cleanup of the TFW program was smoke and mirrors,” Alberta Federation of Labour President Gil McGowan said. “While he was promising a crackdown, his department issued Labour Market Opinions for TFWs to work as welders and be paid less than half the wage being paid to Canadians.”
The Kijiji posting invites applicants to submit resumes and Skype IDs to Miles Andry of Canadian Shield Immigration. Mr. Andry does not appear to have any construction-related Human Resources experience. His LinkedIn profile lists him as a Canadian Shield recruitment specialist for the past two years and a professional magician for the past 12 years.
“These are some of the best jobs in the Alberta economy, and the Harper government has literally handed them over to a magician to make good wages disappear,” McGowan said. “All of this talk of cleaning up the program, cracking down on abuses, and making sure Canadians get first crack at jobs appears to be nothing more than sleight of hand.”
“Instead of a circus sideshow designed to trick the public, Mr. Kenney needs to get serious about cleaning up the mess he made,” McGowan said. “Mr. Kenney should wave his magic wand and cancel every LMO his department issued unlawfully, below the wages paid to Canadians for the same job”
Olav Rokne, Communications Director, Alberta Federation of Labour at 780.218.4351 (cell)
or via e-mail [email protected]
Screenshots at July 2, 2014
Kijiji ad for Welders, where an LMO is available for between $13.00/hour and $20.00/hour
Ad is posted at: http://www.kijiji.ca/v-construction-trades-jobs/calgary/welders-needed-lmo-available/1000543369?siteLocale=en_CA
LinkedIn Profile for Miles Andry, Canadian Shield LMO Recruitment Specialist: http://ca.linkedin.com/pub/miles-andrey/86/97b/937
Wage Profile from Government of Alberta WageInfo, for Welders and Related Machine Operators
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