Workers Including Migrant Workers Targeted in Bahrain

In the midst of the political crisis in Bahrain, the General Federation of Bahrain Trade Unions, BWI's affiliate in Bahrain raised concerns of attacks on workers including migrant workers by "unidentified groups aiming to deviate the directionality of the just national movement."

The union has called on the government of Bahrain to take "more active responsibility in protecting the people of Bahrain" regardless of their national status. However, the government has chosen to repress all forms of political democracy in Bahrain by using tanks and live ammunition to conduct a violent crackdown against peaceful demonstrators at Pearl roundabout.

In addition, it appears that the government is now blaming pro-democracy activists for the killing of migrant workers much to the amazement of trade unionists. Thus, there have been calls by trade unionists for an impartial investigation to these murders.

BWI Connect, Mon Mar 21 2011

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