EDMONTON - The Executive Committee of the Alberta Federation of Labour has agreed to abide by the decisions of Canada's national labour bodies' censure of the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees today.
According to Alberta Federation of Labour President Audrey Cormack, the actions of AUPE leadership gave the provincial labour central no options. "The National Union of Provincial Government Employees (NUPGE) - AUPE's senior body - has suspended AUPE for their recent activities. The Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) will be dealing with the question of sanctions," said Cormack. "We, as the senior labour central in the province, have condemned AUPE leadership's pursuit of other union's members, and agreed to abide by the NUPGE and CLC decisions. However much we regret the actions the AUPE leadership have forced us into, we must abide by our principles and democratic constitution," said Cormack.
The Federation stressed that, although AUPE's suspension means a significant drop in AFL resources, the Alberta Federation of Labour will continue to meet its commitments. "We will continue to support all workers in this province, including AUPE members, said Cormack. "We will use our available resources more effectively, and support and encourage AUPE members when asked," said Cormack.
According to Cormack, the AFL is working toward a resolution to the problem can be found. "The recent Labour Relations Board (LRB) decision on the dispute between AUPE and the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) does not deal with the substance of the problem," noted Cormack. "The LRB condones the pursuit of one organizations' members by another organization. The labour movement holds to higher principles."
"We, in the labour movement in Alberta, urge mutual support and cooperation and condemn destructive competition between unions," said Cormack. "Consequently, we are offering our expertise and resources to the disputing parties in the hopes of facilitating a settlement to this needless and wasteful conflict."
"In the long run," concluded Cormack, "labour will be united." For the best interests of all working people in the province, she hopes for a quick resolution.
On behalf of the Executive Committee of the Alberta Federation of Labour
Audrey M. Cormack, President - CEP
Les Steel, Secretary Treasurer - CUPE
Rick Arsenault, Vice President - IAM
Brenda Brooke, Vice President - IAFF
Alex Cosovan, Vice President - PSAC
Jacquline de Vooght, Vice President - OTEU
Harry Edge, Vice President - IBEW
Nadine Kovacs, Vice President - PSAC
Don MacNeil, Vice President - CEP
Tom MacRae, Vice President - IATSE
Greg McMaster, Vice President - CUPW
Christine McMeckan, Vice President - UFCW
Patrick Milne, Vice President - IUPAT
Walter Moodie, Vice President - ATU
Terry Mutton, Vice President - CUPE
Frankie Nash, Vice President - CEP
Kim Nytchay, Vice President - UFCW
Darlene Pfister, Vice President - USWA
Michael Pisak, Vice President - IWA
Christine Pynaker, Vice President - IBEW
Carol Taylor, Vice President - ATU
Joan Thomson, Vice President - CUPW
Keith Turcotte, Vice President - USWA
Dianne Wyntjes, Vice President - CUPE
For information, contact:
Audrey Cormack, President @ 780-483-3021(wk)/499-6530 (cell)/428-9367 (hm)
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