One year longer, one year stronger
One year ago, after a month of extensive protest, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker illegally rammed through a union-busting bill through the state legislature in the middle of the night. He wanted to silence the voices of working people. Instead, his attacks kicked off a grassroots movement that continues to this day.
Since then, Wisconsinites have replaced two of the republican senators who voted for the bill and gathered over a million signatures as part of a campaign to recall Governor Walker.
One year later, they will gather together to reclaim Wisconsin for working families: in candlelight vigils across the state Friday, March 9, and in a mass march in Madison on Saturday, March 10.
CUPE stands in solidarity with the people of Wisconsin as they fight to protect quality public services, and make sure that the people who provide those services are treated with respect.
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Twitter hashtags: #ReclaimWI #wiunion #wearewi #solidaritywi #recallwalker #wipolitics, Fri Mar 9 2012
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