Rally in Calgary, July 13, 2010 - First Collective Agreement for Park Operations Workers at the Calgary Exhibition and Stampede: Volunteers needed immediately to help with leafletting!

Issue: First Collective Agreement for Park Operations Workers at the Calgary Exhibition and Stampede.
Actions Requested: Volunteers needed immediately to help with leafletting; also get your members to attend rally on July 13, 2010
When: Inform your members immediately - attend the rally on July 13th!


Would you work 40 hours a week part time at half-time pay? More than half the Park Operations workers at the Calgary Exhibition and Stampede do - and some have been doing it for 15 years. Unlike most Canadians, they never get two consecutive days off. IAM Local 99 is trying to fix these and other workplace issues with a first collective agreement.

AFL's Position:

The rights of workers are being stampeded. It's time to ride to their rescue and help them get a first collective agreement.


You can help by attending a rally at the Calgary Stampede Exhibition grounds in support of the workers - during the Calgary Stampede.

Time: 9:00 a.m., Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Location: Calgary Stampede Exhibition grounds

Southern LRT exit ramp, Erlton Station, 25th Ave. and Macleod Trail South.

For more information, contact:


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