More calls for Canada to grow its energy upgrading and refining business

A well respected Canadian CEO and some labour leaders are ramping up their opposition to the Northern Gateway pipeline project.

Robyn Allan has published an 80 page report, examining the economic impact of boosting oilsands bitumen shipments to China via the west coast.

The company behind the pipeline project, Enbridge predicts the development will add $270-billion to the Canadian economy over the next 30 years.

Allan, who is an economist and a prominent businesswoman, disagrees and says the pipeline will not only drive up energy costs but will cost people their jobs.

The President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, Gil McGowan tells 660News, now is the perfect time to look at building more upgraders and increasing our refining business.

McGowan says building more pipelines will certainly help Alberta's economy but that will come at the expense of other parts of the country.

Federal NDP leadership hopeful Nathan Cullen, who is in Calgary stumping for support, says he knows first hand the impact of exporting raw products.

Cullen, who lives on the west coast, says every week he sees lumber shipped overseas and every second week the province announces another saw mill is being closed.

660News, Thurs Feb 2 2012
Kevin Usselman

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