HSAA President Elizabeth Ballermann to address delegates on key health challenges and other major issues.
Edmonton (2 June 2011) - Delegates gather today in Edmonton, Alberta to kick off one of Alberta’s largest and longest-serving health care unions, the Health Sciences Association of Alberta's (HSAA/NUPGE), 40th Annual General Meeting.
The two-day meeting, held from June 2 to June 3, will highlight the on-going work of HSAA/NUPGE over the last year. HSAA President Elisabeth Ballermann will deliver her annual address, including timely remarks on the provincial government’s ongoing attempts to “reform” public health care and other important topics. Ballerman was recently re-elected in province-wide ballotting by HSAA members.
A major report for delegates will be an update on health care bargaining. The union has been meeting with the employer representatives since March and has concluded most non-monetary issues. New dates have been scheduled for September to discuss local issues and monetary proposals.
Between debating important resolutions on issues facing health care workers and labour activists in Alberta, members will receive some insightful commentary and likely some comic relief Rick Mercer when he addresses members on Thursday evening for the anniversary celebration.
James Clancy, national president of the National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE), Diana Gibson, research director for the Parkland Institute and the President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, Gil McGowan will also address members.
A presentation on the All Together Now! campaign promoting tax fairness and quality public services will also be featured by the Alberta Champions 4 Change.
The National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) is one of Canada's largest labour organizations with over 340,000 members. Our mission is to improve the lives of working families and to build a stronger Canada by ensuring our common wealth is used for the common good.
NUPGE.ca, Thurs Jun 2 2011
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