Educational: How to Build Inclusion in the Movement

Continental Breakfast sponsored by PSAC Prairies and CAUS Canadian Benefits Trust

This educational session will focus on the inclusion and voices of people who are not seen – and do not see themselves – as part of the ‘majority’. The session includes a panel of people with diverse experiences who will discuss what workers’ organizations have been successful in addressing and what issues still need to be tackled in terms of inclusions. The aim is to move beyond discussions to action to help ensure inclusion in our unions and social movements.

Panelists include:

Marianna Hladun PSAC Regional Director

Sam Nuako, UFCW 401

Deena Ladd Workers’ Action Centre

Kathie Muir University of Adelaide, Australia  

April 30, 2017 at 7:30am - 8:30am
Edmonton EXPO Centre Rm 101/102

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