Kenney’s economic recovery plan will be meaningless if he pairs it with US-style wage suppression tactics

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Kenney’s child care cuts are making life less affordable for families

End of child care pilot program will mean fee hikes, fewer affordable spaces, and loss of progress towards a universal child care system for Albertans

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Alberta unions to Jason Kenney: Don’t you dare cut the minimum wage!

Online campaign aims to stop UCP from dropping Alberta’s wage floor

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Alberta Needs Paid Sick Leave for all Workers

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Alberta unions urge passage of private member’s bill that would protect pensions and keep Alberta in CPP

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Alberta unions give workers tools to blow the whistle on employers who aren’t taking COVID-19 seriously enough campaign urges workers to know their rights and speak out against unsafe practices as the economy re-opens

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Public Education During a Crisis: Five Alarm Bells about the 'Choice in Education Act'

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Alberta’s Health Care Pandemic Pay Sucks

Fewer Alberta workers qualify for pandemic wage bonuses and the top-ups are smaller than other provinces

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Alberta Federation of Labour Statement in Solidarity with People Protesting Systemic Racism

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Forgotten workers caring for Alberta’s most vulnerable are being left out by UCP policies and programs

Government funded non-profit agencies and group homes have been left with no support for staffing or retention during COVID-19

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