EDMONTON - Audrey Cormack, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour since 1995, has decided not to seek a fourth term. She leaves after twelve years as a full-time officer of the AFL - six years as Secretary Treasurer prior to her terms as President.
"I believe that I successfully met the goals I set for myself," said Cormack. "I helped unite a divided labour movement, and made the Alberta Federation of Labour more relevant to union members in the Province."
Cormack is also proud of the increased credibility the AFL has enjoyed with government and media under her leadership. "When I was elected, the labour movement did not seem to be able to speak to government, let alone meet with them," observed Cormack. "That is not to say that we have agreed with government on the burning issues of the day, but at least we have been able to make our voice heard."
Under Cormack, the labour movement has played a key role in creating debate in the province over critical issues like health care and education funding and workers' rights. "The Federation brought people together at our People's Summit in the fall of 1997 - and in various coalitions and common fronts we forged with many organizations and individuals," said Cormack. "I believe the Federation played a central role in organizing the campaigns to restore health care and education funding and in the opposition to Bill 11," she said.
She feels that one of the most important victories of the AFL under her leadership was the prevention of American-style right-to-work laws. "I truly believe that if it were not for a province-wide labour campaign, we would have seen right-to-work laws in this province - which would have been a disaster for Alberta workers," said Cormack.
Ms. Cormack intends to continue to be as energetic and dedicated on the last day of her tenure as President as she was on the first day. "This has been a challenging, fulfilling time of my life," she concluded, "And I intend to enjoy it to the very last second of my term on May 6, 2001."
For further information call:
Audrey Cormack, President @ 499-6530(cell)/428-9367(hm)/483-3021(wk)
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