CALGARY - Union leaders and activists from across the province will put together an action plan for dealing with the Klein government's controversial new labour law - Bill 27 - when they resume meeting at the AFL convention in Calgary tomorrow.
"Bill 27 represents one of the most serious attacks on basic workplace rights that we've ever seen in this province," says AFL president Les Steel.
"Fighting the Bill and protecting the rights of workers in the health care sector has now become one of our main priorities."
Debate on an emergency resolution on Bill 27 will begin at about 3 p.m. tomorrow afternoon, Friday, May 2. The AFL convention is being held at the Westin Hotel in downtown Calgary (320 - 4th Ave. S.W.)
Other highlights from tomorrow's convention agenda include the following:
11:00 a.m. - Policy Paper: Organizing for Change (Building coalitions and a "culture of dissent" in Alberta)
1:30 p.m. - Guest Speaker: Raj Pannu, Leader, AB New Democrats
3:00 p.m. - "Greetings from Ralph Klein" (political satire)
3:15 p.m. - Emergency debate on Bill 27
Reporters interested in attending the AFL convention are asked to report to the Lake Louise Room (Conference Level) for media credentials and press kits. The convention itself is being held in the Westin's main ballroom. The AFL is Alberta's largest labour organization with more than 105,000 members. AFL conventions are held every second year.
For more information call: Gil McGowan, AFL Communications @ (780) 910-1137
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