Labour Movement Calls for Shutdown of CNRL Tank Farm

CALGARY -- At its Biennial Convention today, Alberta Federation of Labour delegates voted unanimously for a resolution calling for the immediate shutdown of the CNRL Tank Farm site north of Fort McMurray until government health and safety inspectors determine that the worksite is safe.
The resolution was made in response to news that a second tank collapsed late Saturday night. A first collapse killed two workers last month.
"A second collapse this quickly after the first tragic accident raises many questions about how safe that workplace is," says AFL President Gil McGowan.
"The labour movement is demanding that the site be shut down until such time that government safety officers can assure workers on that site and all Albertans that it is safe."
McGowan points out that when the delegates heard about the accident, they instantly wanted to have their voice heard on this serious matter. More than 300 delegates, representing more than 150 union locals from across the province, were in attendance at the convention.
"For the labour movement, the safety of workers is the biggest priority. Had this happened during the work day, we could have seen a repeat of last month's tragedy."
The Alberta Federation of Labour represents over 120,000 workers and their families. It is the largest labour body in Alberta.


For further information: Gil McGowan, AFL President at (780) 218-9888
Click here to see Gil McGowan's Letter to Iris Evans, Alberta Minister of Employment, Immigration and Industry

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