AFL president available for comment after budget address

EDMONTON - Audrey Cormack, president of the Alberta Federation of Labour, will be available to answer questions from reporters immediately following tomorrow's provincial budget address.

Provincial Treasurer Stockwell Day is scheduled to deliver the address starting at 4 p.m. Thursday, March 11. After the speech has been read, Cormack will meet with reporters in the Legislature's rotunda.

"This is an important budget and we're very interested in hearing what Mr. Day has to say," says Cormack. "Obviously health care is the first thing on everybody's minds. But we in the labour movement also have some strong feelings about other issues - like taxation and funding for education and infrastructure."

Reporters interested in talking with Cormack before the budget address or after she has left the Legislature should contact the AFL communications department to make arrangements.

For more information call:

Audrey Cormack, President:  483-3021 (work) 499-6530 (cell) 428-9367 (home)

Gil McGowan, Communications:  483-3021 (work)

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