AFL calls for Albertans to stand up to the Bully
Labour leaders confront anti-democratic legislation
with advertising and legal challenges
Edmonton – Workers in Alberta need to stand up to Alison Redford’s bullying tactics says the province’s largest labour advocacy group.
At a press conference just hours after Bills 45 and 46 were passed, leaders of several unions expressed outrage that the anti-democratic legislation had been rammed through the legislature without any real consultation or analysis.
“Alison Redford has poisoned labour relations in Alberta’s public sector, perhaps for years,” Alberta Federation of Labour president Gil McGowan said at the press conference. “If she thinks that threats, bullying and intimidation will stop workers from standing up for themselves and up against her senseless agenda of cuts and rollbacks in the midst of prosperity, she has another thing coming.”
The right to freedom of speech and the right to freedom of assembly are protected under Section 2 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The Supreme Court of Canada has repeatedly ruled that Section 2(d) of the Charter inherently includes the right to bargain collectively.
Bill 45 strips some workers of their right to speak freely about labour action. Bill 46 strips some workers of their right to bargain collectively. The Federation, its affiliated unions and allied unions have made no secret of their plans to launch a legal challenge to the legislation.
“It’s clear that we will be going to court and it’s clear that the Redford government will lose,” McGowan said. “The Supreme Court of Canada has been very clear in its recent rulings in labour law: Workers have the right to associate in unions; That right is meaningless without the right to collective bargaining; And governments that use legislation to impose contracts make a mockery of collective bargaining.”
The Federation of Labour also unveiled television advertisements that accuse the premier of abandoning the coalition that helped get her elected in 2012. The advertisements call out Premier Alison Redford for bullying opponents, and encourage Albertans to remember these bills during the next election.
“Alison Redford is not a progressive, she’s a fraud. Despite her history as a human rights lawyer, she is also no defender of rights in a democracy,” McGowan said. “Real democratic leaders understand that they have to respect others and work with others. Bullies use their power to impose their will. Alison Redford is a bully.”
Olav Rokne, Communications Director, Alberta Federation of Labour at 780.289.6528 (cell)
or via e-mail [email protected]
URGENT ACTION ALERT-UPDATE: Fill the Legislature Gallery in opposition to Bill 45 and 46!
Action Request: Fill the Legislature Gallery in opposition to Bill 45 and 46!
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
7:30 p.m.
*Seating provided on a first-come, first-serve basis
Where: Alberta Legislature Gallery
4th Floor, Legislature Building
(10800 - 97 Avenue NW, Edmonton)
Both Bill 45 and Bill 46 are up for third reading today. One of the two labour bills may pass after Question Period, before the 7:30 p.m. evening session. We expect the second bill will pass during the evening session, possibly around 10:00 p.m.
There are a number of bills on the slate to be debated today, and the government is not providing any clues on whether it will be bill 45 or 46 that is dealt with first.
Being present in the Legislature gallery this evening remains an important act of presence as government tries to bully and legislate us into silence.
For more information, please contact Ishani Weera, AFL Organizer at 780.483.3021 or [email protected]
For more information on the bills, please view our FAQ:
Unions urge Redford to suspend debate on Bills 45 and 46 to avoid a “generation of poisoned labour relations”
AFL and unions next in line for bargaining say a task force on public-sector labour relations is needed to rebuild trust
Edmonton – The leaders of the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) and three of the unions that are next in line to negotiate with the provincial government have asked Premier Redford to suspend debate on Bills 45 and 46 in order to avoid a "generation of poisoned labour relations" in the public sector.
In a letter sent to the premier this morning, the presidents of the AFL, the United Nurses of Alberta (UNA), the Health Sciences Association of Alberta (HSAA) and the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) called on Premier Redford to reconsider Bills 45 and 46 because the unions believe they are “ill-considered, uncalled for, unnecessarily provocative and likely unconstitutional.”
The presidents suggested that, if debate on Bills 45 and 46 is suspended, a special task force on public-sector labour relations could be established to discuss issues of concerns to both sides.
“The government is concerned about controlling costs and avoiding labour disruptions,” AFL president Gil McGowan said. “We’re concerned about under-staffing, attacks on pensions and a broken revenue system that is unnecessarily impoverishing public services in an otherwise wealthy province. Surely, we can address these issues respectfully without launching a war against public sector workers.”
The presidents who signed the letter include Gil McGowan from the AFL, Heather Smith from UNA, Elisabeth Ballermann from HSAA and Marle Roberts from CUPE. They are asking for a meeting with the Premier today.
“Civilized negotiation is always preferable to confrontation,” McGowan said. “We stand ready to meet with the Premier today. But, if the government rams Bills 45 and 46 through, we’ll see that as a clear message from the premier about what kind of labour relations climate she wants to create in this province. Let’s hope that she chooses civility over confrontation.”
Olav Rokne, Communications Director, Alberta Federation of Labour at 780.289.6528 (cell) or via e-mail [email protected]
URGENT ACTION ALERT: Fill the Legislature Gallery in opposition to Bill 45 and 46
Action Request: Fill the Legislature Gallery in opposition to Bill 45 and 46!
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
7:30 p.m.
Where: Alberta Legislature Gallery
4th Floor, Legislature Building
(10800 - 97 Avenue NW, Edmonton)
Tonight will likely be our last chance to take a united stand in the legislature gallery against anti-union bills 45 and 46. Both bills passed second reading yesterday evening and will be debated in the legislature tonight.
We expect that the PC government will use its majority to force the bills through tomorrow. This is our opportunity to fill the legislature gallery and mark our presence in opposition to these bills. Seats are available on a first come, first serve basis. Please arrive at the legislature building for 7:30 p.m. and proceed to the 4th floor gallery security desk to get your seat.
About the Bills:
Bill 45, or the “Public Sector Services Continuation Act,” infringes on protected rights, such as the right to freely associate and free speech. Under the bill any person could be fined $500 for making a “strike threat” anywhere, any time.
Bill 46, or the “Public Service Salary Restraint Act” would impose a legislated wage freeze on Alberta’s public sector workers. An imposed “wage freeze” would actually amount to a wage rollback as public sector workers stand to lose at least 6.1 per cent of their pay cheques to inflation. This legislation is not only uncalled for and unfair, it's likely unconstitutional.
For more background information on the bills, take a look at our FAQ:
For more information, please contact Ishani Weera, AFL Organizer at 780.483.3021 or [email protected]
URGENT ACTION ALERT: Rally against the Provincial Government’s Bill 45 and 46
Action Request: Rally against the Provincial Government’s Bill 45 and 46
When: TODAY - Monday, December 2, 2013
Where: CALGARY – MacDougall Centre
455 – 6 Street SW, Calgary
6:30 p.m.
EDMONTON - Alberta Legislature
10800 - 97 Avenue NW, Edmonton
4:45 p.m.
LETHBRIDGE – Const. Office of Greg Weadick (PC)
402 – 8 Street South, Lethbridge
6:30 p.m.
The Government of Alberta has introduced two deeply anti-union bills. These bills were introduced without warning and without consultation. Bills 45 and 46 target public sector wages and the right to collective bargaining and are steps toward Tea Party-Style right to work laws.
Bill 45, or the “Public Sector Services Continuation Act,” infringes on protected rights, such as the right to freely associate and free speech. Under the bill any person could be fined $500 for making a “strike threat” anywhere, any time.
Bill 46, or the “Public Service Salary Restraint Act” would impose a legislated wage freeze on Alberta’s public sector workers. An imposed “wage freeze” would amount to an unfair rollback as public sector workers stand to lose at least 6.1 per cent of their pay cheques to inflation. This legislation is not only uncalled for and unfair, it's likely unconstitutional.
For more information, please contact Ishani Weera, AFL Organizer at 780.483.3021 or [email protected]
Alberta Government breaks promises – and laws – with wage freeze legislation
Edmonton – The Redford wage freeze breaks promises and breaks laws.
The legislation, which the government tabled on Wednesday, will ignore the bargaining rights of hundreds of thousands of Albertans and impose a wage freeze. This is a government tactic that has been repeatedly struck down by the Supreme Court of Canada.
"Alison Redford was elected on a promise that she wouldn't attack public sector workers. She's broken that promise and almost every other election promise she made just 18 months ago," Alberta Federation of Labour president Gil McGowan said. "We will see her in court and we will see her at the ballot box."
Bills 45 and 46 will take away the right of unions to consult their own membership about possible labour action. Additionally, punitive measures can be taken against a whole union for the actions – or even words – of a single member.
The wage freeze will mean that workers wages will fall behind inflation. Over the course of three years, this will mean an effective drop in wages by about six per cent. The government of Alberta forecasts the province's real GDP to expand by 3.3 per cent this year and 3.5% next year. If the economy is growing, we should be able to treat public-sector workers fairly.
Repeatedly over the past decade, the Supreme Court of Canada has ruled that Workers have a constitutional right to make collective representations and to have their collective representations considered in good faith.
"We are simply asking the government to not break the law," McGowan said. "It's one thing for governments to obtain a wage freeze through negotiations with unions and workers, it's another thing to impose those freezes without negotiation. Such legislation is unfair, unnecessarily provocative and almost certainly unconstitutional."
The government has suggested that the wage freeze is being imposed because of the cost of the devastating floods in Calgary and High River last spring and summer.
"They're paying for the flood damage on the backs of the people who cleaned up the mess," McGowan said. "We lauded these people as heroes just a few weeks ago. And now, Alison Redford is picking their pockets."
For more information on these bills and on collective bargaining download the AFL factsheets:
1) Breaking a promise and the law - rollbacks
2) Breaking a promise and breaking the law supreme court
4) Breaking a promise and breaking the law - public sector wages
5) Breaking a promise and the law – public service stretched
6) Alberta has a revenue problem
Gil McGowan, President, Alberta Federation of Labour at 780-218-9888 (cell)
File: G:\Communications\NEWS\AFL\2013\2013-50_Alberta Government breaks promises – and laws – with wage freeze legislation _2013Nov28.docx
2013 Fact Sheet 4_Breaking a Promise and Breaking the Law-Public Sector Wages
2013 Fact Sheet 4_Breaking a Promise and Breaking the Law-Public Sector Wages
4 of 6 fact sheets issued