Independent Board and the Legislative Process
The Independent Board and the Legislative Process
This report considers the independence and impartiality of the Alberta Labour Relations Board ("ALRB") in relation to allegations that the Chair and Vice Chair of the Board participated in the legislative process, specifically, the development of the Labour Relations (Regional Health Authorities Restructuring) Amendment Act, 2003 ("Bill 27").
Beyond Chicken Little: Understanding the need for measured reforms to Alberta's system for skills training
When thinking about Alberta's labour market recently, it's hard not to be reminded of the children's fable about Chicken Little. No matter who you talk to - employers, government, or the media - everybody seems to be saying the sky is falling.
In this paper we argue that while the current Alberta labour market is tight, there is no reason to over-react. The sky is not falling.
Running to stand still: How Alberta government policy has led to wage stagnation during a time of prosperity
Albertans are entitled to ask: "What's going on? How can the most productive workers in the country experience stagnant or falling wages in the middle of an economic boom? If we can't improve our real wages during a boom, when can we?"
The Other Competitive Advantage
The Other Competitive Advantage
But the question needs to be asked whether public health care, public education and income security are also competitive advantages, for both employers and workers.
Losing Ground: The Slow Decline of Workers' Rights and Privileges in Alberta 1975-2000
Losing Ground: The Slow Decline of Workers' Rights and Privileges in Alberta (1975-2000)
This booklet examines what effects this has had on the lives of working people in Alberta. In a sense, it represents a snapshot of daily life for workers that is then compared to a similar snapshot taken 25 years ago in 1975. This provides the perspective of an historic view that compares the lives and working conditions faced by two different generations of Alberta workers and their families.
Now More than Ever: An examination of the challenges and opportunities facing Alberta unions in the 21st century
In this report, we will take a closer look at the future of unions in Alberta. More specifically, we attempt to answer a number of pressing questions. Do Albertans still want unions? Do they need unions? Do unions in Canada still
‘deliver the goods' for their members? In addition to addressing these questions, we will also discuss the impact that unions have on the economy.
Missing out on the Boom: A report card
Missing out on the Boom? (A Report Card on Jobs, Wagds and Economic Security in Alberta)
In the next twenty pages, we will provide an update of the economic "snapshot" presented in Crumbs From the Table. We will re-examine issues like individual and family income, public services and job quality. Most importantly, we will attempt to determine whether or not ordinary Albertans are benefiting any more from their province's ongoing prosperity-
in the form of increased wages, better services or improved job security-than they did last year.
Crumbs from the Table: Re-evaluating the so-called "Alberta Advantage"
Crumbs from the Table: Re-evaluating the so-called "Alberta Advantage"
A report card on jobs, wages and economic security in Alberta (March 1997)