Getting Serious: The Role of Unions in Alberta's Changing Political Landscape (2011)
Getting Serious: The Role of Unions in Alberta's Changing Political Landscape (April 2011)
AFL political action paper presented to AFL 47th Constitutional Convention, April 28 to May 1, 2011
Over the past five or six years, the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) has significantly improved its ability to influence the debate over important issues of public policy within the province. Issues like workplace health and safety, the use (and abuse) of temporary foreign
workers and the job implications of exporting raw bitumen were our issues first – but they have now become major items for discussion by policy makers, the media and the broader public.
Alberta's Revenue Crisis (2011)
Alberta's Revenue Crisis (April 2011)
AFL Revenue Policy Paper presented to AFL 47th Constitutional Convention, April 28 to May 1, 2011
Alberta's relatively low revenues from natural resources and taxes dampens our expectations of what government can accomplish, and the result is that Alberta actually spends less – far less – than it ought to on public services. Any clear-eyed examination of public spending (taking into account population growth and inflation) shows that Alberta's spending on services is flat or dropping. Alberta does not have a spending problem; we have a revenue problem. If we have any spending problem at all, it is that we do not the right amount. Alberta lags behind the rest of the country and the rest of the industrialized world on a variety of key social indicators – demonstrating that our investments in social and environmental infrastructure are falling further and further behind.
Occupational Health and Safety Policy Paper (2011)
Occupational Health and Safety Policy Paper (April 2011)
AFL occupational health and safety policy paper presented to AFL 47th Constitutional Convention, April 28th to May 1, 2011
Negative coverage of Alberta's occupational health and safety (OH&S) laws and practices percolated in the news throughout 2010. This paper will propose legislative and policy changes that will function as a starting point in addressing Alberta’s poor record in making sure all workers are safe and healthy. The paper will propose several ways in which the labour movement can keep occupational health and safety on the public agenda through 2011 and beyond.
Labour Law Policy Paper (2011)
Labour Law Policy Paper (April 2011)
AFL policy paper presented to AFL 47th Constitutional Convention, April 28 to May 1, 2011
Earlier this year, we saw attacks on labour rights and labour laws begin in Wisconsin after the election of a Republican governor and state legislature. Not content with seeking cuts to pay, benefits and working conditions, these Tea Party Republicans sought to eliminate the right of unionized public-sector workers to engage in collective bargaining in all but very limited areas. The conflict soon spread to other states including, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Tennessee and New Jersey.
Yes, UNIONS can! AFL Action Plan for Building Union Power (2009)
Yes, UNIONS can! AFL Action Plan for Building Union Power (April 2009)
AFL action plan presented to AFL 46th Constitutional Convention, April 23-26, 2009
Workplace Privacy (2009)
Workplace Privacy (April 2009)
Policy paper adopted at AFL 46th Constitutional Convention, April 23-26, 2009
The Looming Crisis in Retirement Incomes (2009)
The Looming Crisis in Retirement Incomes (April 2009)
Policy paper adopted at AFL 46th Constitutional Convention, April 23-26, 2009
Health Care (2009)
Policy paper adopted at AFL 46th Constitutional Convention, April 23-26, 2009
Domestic Violence is a Workplace Issue (2009)
Policy paper adopted at AFL 46th Constitutional Convention, April 23-26, 2009
A New Direction for Alberta's Energy Economy (2009)
A New Direction for Alberta's Energy Economy (April 2009)
Policy paper adopted at AFL 46th Constitutional Convention, April 23-26, 2009