AFL Awards 2020
The Alberta Federation of Labour gives two awards annually, the International Women’s Day Award and the May Day Solidarity Award, we are happy to announce the amazing sisters who are this year’s recipients.
An AFL Blog Series: Public Education During a Crisis
*The Alberta Federation of Labour is producing a blog series which looks at what happens to public education during a time of crisis. We will evaluate what the Alberta government is doing during this global pandemic, and examine how governments can choose to either strengthen our public system, or use a time of crisis as a catalyst to attack, undermine, and privatize our public education.
- Part 1: COVID-19 Arrives in Alberta
- Part 2: Decisions in a Crisis Determine the Fate of Public Education
- Part 3: Is Disaster Capitalism here in Alberta?
- Part 4: Online Learning: Widening Inequity and an Absence of Leadership
- Part 5: Kenney Escalates His Attacks on Public Education During COVID-19
- Part 6: Five Alarm Bells about the ‘Choice in Education Act’
- Part 7: A Safe School Reopening
- Re-imagining Alberta's Energy Future: An Industrial Blueprint for Job Creation and Prosperity
- Executive Summary - Re-imagining Alberta's Energy Future: An Industrial Blueprint for Job Creation and Prosperity
- Green Jobs Potential in Diversifying Alberta's Economy
- Don't you Dare! Why working Albertans don't trust Jason Kenney with their retirement savings
- Time to Get Rolling: Growing the Screen Industry in Alberta
- Debunking UCP's Youth Minimum Wage: International experience shows youth wages kill jobs for older workers
- The Employment Impact of Election Promises: Analysis of budgetary scenarios of UCP and NDP platforms
- OHS Regulations Consultation Submission - April 2018
- Unstacking the Deck: Reforming Alberta's Anti-worker Labour Code
- A New Code for New Times: Meeting the Challenge of Precarious Work
- Unfair Advantage: Construction Industry Double Breasting
- Canadian Mainstream and Beyond: Reforming Alberta's Employment Standards Code